Violence Forgotten

Jeff Scott
4 min readNov 21, 2020


Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

Original post


I wish humans forgot how to be violent against humans.

My post- u/uwwstudent

Granted they forget all knowledge of violence on humans. However, being humans learning and adapting is what we do.

We still have military texts, cool john wick movies and years’ worth of martial arts tutorials on YouTube.

Conspiracy theorists come out of the wood work saying how the government wiped people’s minds with these pen devices they just saw on this documentary “Men in Black”

Because so many people have access to these videos, with no memory of it . they believe the Conspiracy theorists. That some memory Hijinx were in place. Hell, they are part right.

EDIT: thank you all! read my comment in response to u/stratusbudgie. between u/stratusbudgie and u/time-for-anustart ‘s comments im inspired to do some writing for fun.

if you would like to read it please comment on the post so I can gauge interest.

downvote the hell out of me if you think it sucks. not trying to farm karma, just want honest feedback on my idea.

Violence Forgotten.

Chapter 1 : Sam

I woke in a cold sweat. My cat, Gladys is an old cat now with a name to match. I named her that when she was just a kitten as a joke. Gladys is clearly worried about me; possibly annoyed, meowed in my face. once young and spry she would hop on me and start pressing her face into mine hoping for pets. Now she just meows at me, occasionally taking one lazy paw and hooking my lip with her claw. I tell her it was just a bad dream and roll over to go back to sleep. She doesn’t let me, instead just keeps meowing at me. I eventually get fed up with this and meow back at her. Knowing this will not be enough I pick her up. She goes limp letting her arms and legs dangle freely. I know she isn’t happy, but she doesn’t fight against it. I walk her out of my room place her on the ground and close the door. The last thing I see before the door shuts is her face looking up at me in a look that conveys pure betrayal. “Et tu Brutus?” goes through my head. Although I can not remember what that is from. Oh well, I’m tired and not going to dwell on this. I glance over at the clock. 2:42 glares at me in red letters, just taunting me. The feeling of guilt lessens. She shouldn’t have woken me if she didn’t want to be placed out there. Well I guess I woke her first, but she will forgive me. I check my phone incase someone wanted to reach me. Nothing, just a notification from Clash Royale telling me I have chests that can be opened. I place my phone back on the bedside table and fall asleep as my head hits the pillow.

The next morning light floods the room and I roll over to say good morning to Gladys only to realize she isn’t there. The memory of locking her out fills my mind and the guilt returns. I try to remember what I need to do today, but I can’t remember anything. I try to think back to what I did yesterday and realize there is huge chunks of my day missing. I remember eating breakfast, 2 eggs, and some sausage links. Then I got dressed, packed a bag with these weird clothes and drove to some place that my mind is calling a dojo. Then I have a 3-hour gap in my memory until I wipe down gymnastics’ mats, shed the weird clothes and shower. What did I do at this place and what were those weird clothes? The more I thought back the more I could remember doing this very action but I can never remember why I was doing it or what I was doing in the time after I changed to the time I wiped down the mats .

Instead it just caused a great headache to occur as I thought about it. I went to take some Tylenol for the pain. As I walk to the bathroom and click on the lights the pain is searing through my brain. I open the medicine cabinet and fumble around till I find the right bottle. I pop three in my mouth and swallow them dry. I just realized I never peed this morning, so I use the bathroom, brush my teeth and go and lay back down. I close my eyes and almost fall asleep again when I think to check my phone. I have a bunch of new texts from my friend Madison. She has this annoying habit of typing out what can be said in one message in about 5.
“Hey are you awake?!?”
“This is gonna sound weird”



“I can not remember what we did yesterday.”

“Or much of anything.”
“Please call!!!”
“Right NOWWWWW!!!”

Then she sent a gif of a turtle on its back yelling help.

I drop my phone in shock. This clearly isn’t just happening to me. Were we drugged? Do I take drugs? Am I going insane?

